Saturday 17 August 2013

hairy legs and blossoms

I'm calling it - Spring has sprung in the Midlands.
The early morning nip in the air is significantly less nippy, and the sun is up earlier every day, awakening from it's Winter slumber. The grass is turning from a pale dirty cream back to a youthful optimistic green, and everything is budding. That specific smell of growth is in the air, fresh and determined. It's almost time to turn off the under-floor heating,  prune the hydrangeas (yes, very domestic, I have a home now) and dust off the veranda furniture - those fresh spring evenings spent outside, sipping on a G&T after work, are just around the corner...aaah, bliss!

It also means that I'm going to have to locate my razor again and sort out my gorilla legs - my husband is so happy right now I can just imagine him doing a happy dance as he reads this... My pasty pegs are also going to love some of that Spring sunshine and fresh air - they've been covered up for too long! There's nothing quite like Springtime gumboot rash from wearing shorts again...

Spring is also the time to dust off those running shoes and Mountain Bikes - to emerge from the Winter cocoon and get active again! We have a new challenge this year; Dale and I are the proud owners of two horses (check one off the bucket list), so we're going to have to get them (and us) up and running fit! At least the ground will soften with the Spring rains, so when we fall off in the training stages, we hopefully wont break any times!

It's also that time of the year when there are little babies everywhere. Our neighbours' ewes are lambing and those things are so bloody cute you could just die looking at them. I want to steal one every time I drive past. I'm sure he wouldn't notice if one disappeared...I promise I'll give it back when its big. The Nguni cattle on his farm are also calving and they are ridiculously adorable with their patchy pelts. The paddocks are polka-dotted with new life and energy, and its so great to see everything feeling so alive. This is definitely one of my favourite seasons.

So, although its a couple of weeks early, I want to wish you all a happy Spring. May you also emerge from your Winter hibernation and embrace life as it blossoms and grows around you. xxxx

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