Thursday 6 June 2013

Introduction to me....

So....having heard all about this blogging craze, and actually subscribing to a few friends' blogs, I've decided to try my hand at this writing thing. It seems like a fun thing to do and I've always wanted to impart my opinions and wisdom on others in a novel and often sarcastic way, so what better way to do it than on a blog?!

Well, first things first then... the name is Leigh (AKA leechipip, leelee, torrus, flee, and numerous others...) and I am a dairy farmer. Yes, a dairy farmer - that means I milk cows, early in the morning and later in the afternoon again. Inbetween, I help to run things around the farm. I love the outdoors, especially in Autumn and Spring, and live in the Midlands of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. I married my soulmate in December 2010 and no, we do not have kids yet. Surprised? Most people are, its really irritating at the best of times. My standard response to the annoying enquiry of "When are you going to start a family?" is that we're busy perfecting our technique so that our children will be absolutely effing amazeballs, and that its none of your business really, so go ask someone else...
I am an aunty to the most gorgeous nephew in the world (not biased at all) and an older sister to three very unique women. I dont take life too seriously and strongly believe that surrounding yourself with things that make you happy and feel good is the only way forward. I dont have time for negative or stupid people, period. Finally, I like wine... a lot.

So why "The Introspective Soliloquist"....what does it mean? I'm sure you all got the introspective part (thoughtful) and a soliloquist is someone who talks to themselves a lot, or to no-one in particular really. I find myself constantly chatting away to fresh air when out on the farm, and often pondering life's little intricacies and solving the worlds problems in my head as I speed around checking that everything is working and that the cows are happy. Happy cows = happy farmers.

I hope that my introspections will cause some amusement for the readers who will frequent this blog space, if any at all. Working with animals can be greatly amusing at times, as well as frustrating and heartbreaking - I hope you will enjoy this tiny insight into my crazy life and look forward to your comments and opinions.

Enjoy xx

***End of Blog post #1**** woop woop!


  1. I am the first to comment! I love it already Lili! And I wanna come and drink wine with you on the farm when I am finally home! xox

  2. I am looking forward to your insights because I enjoy your comments on FB so this will be great! Oh and I am (happily) single with no kids so imagine the conundrum I pose to people :-) Kd x

    1. Haha :) Thanks Kate! Great to hear from you btw, long time. Hope things are happy and healthy your side? Glad you enjoyed my first blog, watch this space! ;)

  3. Leigh, great blog.... just love hearing about them bovinez! Keep on writing- no power greater than that beheld by the pen!

  4. Leigh!! So great to have a means to know all that's going on there!! I have a very dear friend from Durban here, so I think about you, guys, very often, but this is awesome!!!

    1. Muchas gracias a mi amigo especial! Me alegro de que haya disfrutado de su lectura!

  5. What your mooses producing. Keep blogging farmer Thomas

    1. My 146 mooses are happily producing just over 3000litres a day now, loving the rye grass ;) Stay tuned for the next installment!

  6. Looking forward to following life on the farm Leigh, have been thinking bout starting my own blog, you might have been final bit of inspiration I needed...

    1. If I have inspired you, then I am happy! We haven't forgotten about coming to see you in Bots - maybe next year ;) xxx
