Wednesday 22 January 2014

Handsome Hubby Inspiration

So far, 2014 has been disappointingly uninspiring - hence the serious lack of blog posts to distract you all from your desk jobs. I just haven't had anything to write about, which is strange for me as I am usually full of opinions and ideas. Normally January is a time for making changes and setting goals for the year - big things that require heaps of inspiration - that I just had not found yet...until this past weekend.

One of the most difficult things to do that really relies on inspiration, is to start that new year's get-fit-and-toned-and-sexy-again action plan. Hubby has been training tirelessly for his first Dusi Canoe Marathon since September, and has been on my back about getting going in the exercise department for months. But I have had zero desire to get going - no push factor, no drive. The toughest thing when it comes to action plans is actually STARTING. Once you get started, it's easy peasy pumpkin cheesy. I know this, but do you think that makes a difference???

So, this past weekend we were up in Underberg for the Drak Challenge, Dale's first big technical race ahead of the Dusi. And let me tell you - there's nothing quite like mingling with super fit and toned athletes (and their significant others) to give you a kick in the butt towards getting yourself motivated. So many gorgeous bodies in one place should be illegal. 

The most inspiring part of it all are the different shapes and sizes of people that all competed in the race. There were some chaps well into their 60's and 70's still giving it horns on the river, and a couple of not-so-skinny-and-toned contenders who deserved a medal just for being able to squeeze into their boats! If they can be athletes, then I really have no excuse...

 Getting ready in the cattle pens...

 How inspiring is this dude??? Did the whole race on a SUP.

 Feeling strong, Day 1.

 Always smiling...exercise can't be all that bad for you!

 Still smiling, through rapids and all!

Thus, after witnessing such great spirit and camaraderie at the Drak this weekend, I find myself wanting to be a part of that sporty fraternity again - the one that gets together on weekends and has an adventure. (I need some adventure in my life, it has become way to predictable and easy).

 Now is the time to get fit and with all of you as my witnesses, I will put down my wine glass, dust off my trainers, prime the pooches, and head off for that first small step towards fitness.

Who's with me?!?

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Midlands magic

I find it quite ironic that I have spent a large part of my adult life looking forward to having a home of my own - a place to spend weekends pottering in the garden, playing with my dogs, growing my own vegetables, etc - only to find that very seldom are we actually at home on a weekend to enjoy it. The veggie garden needs some TLC, all those DIY projects are still ideas, and lets not even talk about the garden...

Amazingly, for the first time in well over 6 months, Dale and I both had this weekend off together to spend 100% at home! And in a very unusual turn of events, the weather played along and was AMAZING - no late afternoon thunderstorms or rolling mist from the South - just beautiful, warm, clear summer evenings. For those of you who know the Midlands well, you'll know that such evenings in summer are like hens teeth, so when they happen, we jump to take advantage of them.

Friday evening we had some friends over for a braai and some fishing, where their kiddie successfully endeavoured to catch two bass towards earning his cubs badge - go Ryan! Duma thought this was great fun and managed to almost offer herself up as live bait when she grabbed onto the fishing lure mid-cast...needless to say, some minor surgery later and she was right back to her skanky little self as if nothing had happened! Crazy animal... Of course, we all required a bit of wine just to get over the whole incident, and happily retired to the verandah to sip on a yummy Morkel Tumara...yum yum yum! There's nothing quite like our view over the top of a wine glass. Bliss.

The next morning we were up at sparrow fart for our next mission - operation relocation of the steeds! (The first time in almost 2 months that it hasn't rained for over a week, thus ensuring dry roads and pleasant riding conditions!). We struck out from the main farm just after 8:30am, and managed the 15km round trip through neighbouring farms in just under 3 hours. What an awesome outride! So great to be on horseback again. Its amazing how much more you notice things around you when you're not in a vehicle. The horses are super happy in their new home and continue to grow in girth as they munch away on the abundant kikiyu. (Pics to follow soon...)

The rest of the day was spent pottering - lawn mowing, veggie picking, G&T sipping, ball throwing, book reading - those wholesome homely activities that make one's heart so happy. At about 3pm we bundled a big farm chicken into the weber, Dale baked an apple and rasberry tart, and we headed up to the top dam for a quick splash before dinner with the folks and an early night, as Dale had to be up at 4am on Sunday to go canoeing down the Umngeni...silly boy (love you my pie xxx).

Whilst Dale embarked on his canoeing adventure on Sunday morning, I met up with friends for a big hearty country breakfast at Linga Lapa - nothing quite like the midlands morning hospitality you find at this fine roadside haven! Then it was back to finish mowing the lawn (yes, our garden is frikkin' HUMONGOUS), tidying the house, and general lounging on the verandah in the heat of the day, until hubby got home and we could head to the dam for a refreshing swim.

We ended off the weekend as we started it; at the dam, with a braai to boot. The dogs swam and duck-dived for thrown pebbles whilst we bobbed about on the inner tube of an old tractor tyre, admiring the sunset and enjoying the peace and tranquility of the beautiful place that we now call home. Worth all of those years slogging away in the city and longing for a home of our own? I'd say worth every damn second...