Wednesday 31 July 2013

2013 bucket list

It is August.


That means that more than half of 2013 is gone already. Hasta la vista baby. This got me thinking about all the cool stuff I still want to do before the big 3-0 comes along in October, and then December 31 rolls around and its the end of the year! To quote my most favouritest (yes its a word) being EVER: "If I, King Julien (that is my name) , only had two days to live, I would do all the things I ever dreamed of doing." So, I thought I'd better check up on my 2013 bucket list, and get cracking on those last few crazy things that I have left to do in my twenties....

Some very cool things happened this year so far:

* My big little sis got ENGAGED (woop woop) to her handsome German (rrrrow)
* The cutest nephew in the world was introduced to us all in February (heart), and my parents instantly became granny corks and pops (wahhahahahahaha!)
* We moved our first cows down to the new farm, and subsequently fixed a bunch of fences and water leaks...
* Some pretty amazing people got hitched (Pips & Adam, Pierre & Hanli, Anje & Jaco)
* Some pretty gorgeous babies were born (Divan & Lenee, Neil & Ilze, Hamish & Mags)
* Corks' Crew conquered the Midmar Mile
* Frankie joined the Thomas menagerie and has cemented her place in it.

Then there are some preeeety cool things that still need to happen before the year is out. I tried to think of all the crazy stuff I want to do before kids and becoming responsible (AKA 30), and this is what I came up with:

* Jumping out of an aeroplane. If I don't do it this year, I never will.
* The Oribi Gorge Wild Five Adventures...amazeballs!
* Another big(ish) mountain bike race :)
* Completing a triathlon (albeit a small one...)
* Getting some horses - what is a farm without horses???
* A big trip to Zanzibar in November (booked!) where we can have a second honeymoon and just be the two of us for a romantic splurge....cant wait!
* Raising R10 000 for our Rhinos who really need our help desperately (please click here if you want to donate)

I think that's a good start. Lets see how far I get!

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