Friday 12 June 2015

Frankie's Friday Farm Fact #6

This week's fact:

Winter has definitely arrived in the Midlands...

Trees are all naked 
stripped bare of their leaves
shivering, wailing, sighing
in the crisp winter breeze.

The heifers are all poofy
and look like fluffy mountain goats 
frolicking in the fields
in their specially grown winter coats.

The air is thick with smoke 
as black lines criss-cross the fields
protecting lands from unwanted blazes
and ensuring good spring yields.

Snow dusts the Drakensberg
and frost bites our toes every dawn
darkness lingers for longer
and the veld is grey and forlorn.

Clouds of misted breath,
red noses and cold ears,
here's to another Winter in the Midlands
perhaps the coldest one in years...