Thursday 24 April 2014


Sometimes it's very easy to get caught up in the negativity that hangs around certain people and groups in society like a dark cloud. People that seem to just moan and complain about everything and will always take your positive and turn it into a negative.
Negativity is so draining! It saps the colour out of life and leaves you feeling so angry and despondent about everything. ..bleh! How unpleasant! For those of you who don't know, there is a lot of negativity floating around South Africa at the moment as we head towards our National election in May. People are doomsday prophesying left right and centre, and everyone feels bleak that the ANC is going to win again, even though they are a bunch of super corrupt a-holes.
So, I decided that a  positive blogpost is way overdue. Something that makes you happy and puts a smile on your face, and hopefully makes you forget about all the negative political nonsense that is doing the rounds. Hence, this time my post is on Gratitude - what I am most thankful for every day whilst everyone else is too busy being negative...
My health - a healthy body and mind is one thing a lot of people take for granted. Challenge yourself every day, both mentally and physically. I even found a quote on being healthy made by a famous dude who invented penicillin that I thought was quite apt - “Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages.” ― Louis Pasteur. Clever man old Louis...

Being loved - by the kindest, handsomest man.

My family -  who really are the most awesome people I know on this beautiful planet.

Fresh, crisp Autumn mornings. The smell of fresh silage. Brightly coloured leaves, the lingering smell of brush fires in the air, beautiful sunsets over the Drakensberg, log fires, red wine, cuddles with the furry family, loves from my love. *Bliss*

Cow poo - because without it, our veggie garden would not be as splendid as it is. Rocket, tomatoes, mint, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, spinach... wholesome, good, delicious food.

Happy News from friends that are all around the world.
Time spent with family, friends, nature. Spending as much time as possible enjoying the good, positive things in life and not wasting it on ugly, negative things. There is a limit to this one, so make the most of it!

Long weekends off - Cape Vidal, snorkeling, octopus, hippos, camping, marshmallow eggs, G&T's, wine, making new friends, surf & turf, gopro, scrabble, breakfast skottel on the beach, leopard spotting, crayfish diving, warm showers at the end of a busy day xxx

A Home to go back to, with a roof over my head and a warm bed at night.
