Wednesday 4 September 2013

Wine, Cheese and Epiphanies

There's nothing like a good old cheese and wine evening with the family to put life back into perspective - firstly, on how much we all love wine and cheese (bit of an obsession me thinks...), and secondly, on what the REALLY important things are in life. Don't get me wrong - cheese and wine are definitely really important things, especially when you put them together in the quantities that we usually do - but I'm talking rather about real things that make you remember how amazing your life is, and remind you not to sweat the small stuff.
Things like the cutest nephew in the world; the fact that we live a beautiful life in the countryside; being surrounded by adoring animals; our good health; African sunrises and sunsets - the real things. I think its so easy to get lost in the rat race of the world today and sometimes we forget to appreciate all the good things that are right in front of us.

When was the last time you sat down, breathed in good, fresh air and thought to yourself "damn, but life is good!". If you haven't done this in a while, you need to. Because no matter what space you're in right now, there is always something good to be found in it.

I'd like you to take one day out of this week to forget about how much money you make (or don't make, or would like to make), what car you drive, the size of your bank account, your bills, and all your other worries, and do yourself a big favour and go outside - breathe in the clean air, soak up the sun (or if you're in the UK, try catch a glimpse of it), appreciate your good health, look at the flowers blossoming, walk instead of driving, laugh with someone, do something good for someone you don't know, and just feel good about life.

Looking around at my family enjoying themselves last night - my sister relaxing while baby is asleep, Dale and Trav discussing DIY projects, Dad snoozing on the couch after a long days graft on the farm, and Mom making sure that everyone is fed and happy - I couldn't help but think about how lucky I am and how full and rich my life is.
Sure, there is a lot of shit happening around the world, I'm not blind to that, but right now I'm happy to ignore it and take some time out to appreciate my world - after all, my world according to me should be the best place to be at all times, n'est-ce pas?
And right now, it is.

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