Sunday 29 September 2013

10 reasons why I'm glad I'm not a dairy cow...

1) Electric fences. They really suck.
2) In order to stay alive and productive, you have to be pregnant and/or lactating - all the time. And when you stop getting pregnant and/or lactating, you become someone's lasagne...not even something great like someone's steak or carpaccio - nope, lasagne. Or spaghetti bolognaise. Either way, it's not a great tribute to your existence.
3) Having your nipples tugged on twice a day - for 80% of your life - cannot feel great. No matter how you look at it.
4) Having an arsehole directly above your va-jay-jay, when you walk on all fours, is not ideal...
5) The "choice" of a staple diet of grass, meal and chopped up mielies that have rotted and been stored in a clay pit. Mmmm...yummy!
6) Having boobs that hang between your back legs, which can therefore dangle in the mud or get caught on brambles and low branches - who thought of that one???
7) Never being able to drink milk, eat icecream, or smear mountains of butter onto your toast because that would just be cannibalism or something...
8) Having no option but to be black and white - no cool accessories, no colours, no mix and match, and just forget about that tan - black and white.
9) Living outdoors, come rain or shine - or snow.
 And finally...
10) Artificial insemination - where's the fun in that???

Have a great week peeps....and be grateful you're not a dairy cow! XxX

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