Thursday 20 June 2013


There are a few things in life that I would consider boring - golf; those financial programmes on RT, CNN, etc, (how Dale can stay awake watching that mind-numbing number crunching drivel, I have no idea); negative people going on about how terrible their lives are and how miserable they feel and how South Africa is full of crime and blah blah blah (get over it); the ongoing Julius Malema rant (*yawn*); non-alcoholic functions (wtf??); and wasting valuable daylight hours in a shopping mall.

Dairy farming, however, is NOT boring.

My day so far has consisted of:

1) Attempting to impregnate a 500kg bovine using nothing but a shoulder length glove, a tiny straw of semen, and a metal tube. There's nothing quite like that feeling I can tell ya...

2) Enticing another 600kg bovine to swallow a magnet - yes, a magnet - to help dislodge the piece of wire that she swallowed last week.

3) Sitting on a drugged cow's head while the vet surgically removes an infected "toe" from her foot...and being slammed into the ground by said cows head during the procedure - into a nice, fresh, steaming cowpat.

4) Retrieving calves from their mothers (who are crazy beeeches when you try to take their kids away, as one would expect) and trying to tag them. Being chased around a paddock by a 500kg pissed off cow is no laughing matter...neither is tagging a 5 day old calf. Just imagine rodeo style bucking broncos and you get the picture.

5) Watching close to 60 Wattled Crane grazing in the veld.

That was just before lunch time! And my evening will probably consist of a glass of wine in front of a roaring fireplace, surrounded by my dogs and hubby - warm and clean after a good afternoon of drying off some more cows so that they can go have their babies in peace, without anyone forcing them to eat magnets or sitting on their heads or chasing them around a paddock to steal their baby...


  1. Sounds like a goooood life :)

    1. It is :) How is your new adventure going?

  2. Brilliant, your day is certainly a lot more interesting. :)

    1. Haha, thats for sure! Thanks for reading lady xx
