Friday 12 December 2014

Frankie's Friday Farm Facts: #4

Today's Fact:

THIS is how you change down-pipes on a pivot:

Looks like fun you say? Not for someone who is absolutely TERRIFIED of heights! And it doesn't help that the whole thing sways and moves about while you are trying to reattach said pipe at a very precarious angle above your head! I have visions of broken body parts and impaled limbs every time I do this...I know, I'm a pansy when it comes to heights. But if there's one thing you learn farming, it's that you've got to do what you've got to do. If that means getting over my fear of heights in an unusual way, then so be it!

Speaking of heights, the new pivots arrived this week! They are currently being installed and are looking rather fabulous and new and shiny! Even Frankie got excited when she saw them starting to go up. The guys who are installing them are so quick, everything should be up and ready by next week! Now all we need is the rain to fill the dams....

You have a delivery!

Frankie working hard, as usual

Hard at work putting in the new 8 tower pivot...

How cool to have a trenching machine! Trench anyone??
So it's all actually happening, and we are super excited for the new changes on the farm. No more towing of little pivots from one pasture to another - these bad boys are going to solve a lot of headaches and heartbreaks!

Now, let it rain, let it rain, let it Rrrrraaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnn!!!!


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