Wednesday 13 August 2014

Get an education please...

Farmers are not evil people. We don't spend our time trying to kill our livestock - that would be seriously counter productive! So when bunny-hugger-greenie-save-the-world-types drive past and see a dead animal (shock!horror!) in a field, they immediately seem to assume the worst of us and phone the SPCA.


So the poor ladies from the district SPCA have to open a case and drive all the way out here to investigate.....a stillborn calf?! (shock!horror!) A completely natural occurance. Mother Nature - the bitch is a serial killer I tell you...


What happened to the days when you would drive in and say "oh by the way, it looks like you have a dead animal in your field, do you know about it?". Nine times out of Ten, we are aware of a dead or sick animal long before you notice it. That is our job as farmers, to be aware of where our livestock are at all times. We appreciate your concern though, and thanks for not calling the cops or the SPCA and wasting their time and money.
Also kindly remember that our 900 working animals are not pets. They are production units that have the sole purpose of providing milk for your breakfast every day. And when they stop doing that, they become your pies and hamburgers. If you are sensitive to that fact, then become a vegetarian if you must. But then you will be eating their food, further perpetuating the vicious circle of life. That's the reality of it. That's life.

While we're on the subject of bunny-hugger-greenie-save-the-world-types; the whole drama around canned hunting on Face Book is really annoying. "OMG this bitch shot a lion and is posing with it for a photograph! Everybody sign this petition to get her banned from South Africa for ever!"... so sad.


The woman did not walk into a game reserve and shoot a Lion! She probably paid thousands of US dollars to shoot her lion in a big game hunting concession somewhere in Botswana or Tanzania - a tourism trade that supports conservation all over Southern Africa, without which the fight against poaching would be a lot harder. The money she pays for her canned lion trophey pays the wages of hundreds of brave men and women who fight against illegal ruthless killers in our parks on a daily basis. Get some perspective before emotionally and ignorantly poo pooing something that you clearly dont understand.

Ok, my rant is finished now.

Have a nice evening!

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