Friday 7 March 2014

Chicken wings...and other useless things

The most unappealing piece of meat EVER.
To say that I cannot stand chicken wings would be the understatement of the century.  I can't believe that they package them and sell them to consumers. Just throw them away please, they're insulting. Do you realise that you are actually buying a product that is at least 60% bone?? And what the eff is up with that useless little flappy bit on the end that's all sinewy and prickly?? Eeeeeew!
Chicken wings are just about as useful as those stupid plastic seals under the lids on juices/milk/olive oil/soy sauce etc, that you have to try to open AFTER you already unscrewed the SEALED lid. Am I the only one who thinks this innovative invention to be a super crap one???? The lid was sealed already - why do we need another impenetrable layer of earth-destroying plastic? Retailers must think we are all a bunch of retards...or there really are a bunch of retards out there who would moan if there wasn't an extra layer of plastic between their lids and soy sauce; who make life miserable for the rest of us by spending their time complaining about stupid useless things like this.
Another item high up on the list-of-useless-things-that-irritate-me-half-to-death is flavoured vitamin water. REALLY???!!! Its just water people! You have been conned into paying exorbitant prices for fancy bottled water that tastes funny. You'll get more vitamins and minerals out of your tap at home (especially in South Africa, maybe some ecoli too, but its an adventure right?) and a piece of REAL fruit, and a lot less cancer, than you will out of a bottle that is making some silly fitness-fanatic-skinny-bitch rich. It's the truth! Would I lie to you?
Finally, to end off my little rant, I have to add in "Low Fat" products. Our cows go through a lot to bring you good quality, rich and creamy, whole milk - which is then pasteurised, homogenised, skimmed, and goes through further god-knows-what other processes, to provide you with tasteless, unappealing, "low fat" products. They might be low in fat, but they're also pretty much low in EVERYTHING else because of it! Bleh! Yuk...
I think I'll have a big, fat, tender chicken thigh for dinner, smothered in 100% farm butter, paired with an ice-cold glass of borehole water that doesn't have to be poured from a container that requires a higher degree to open... Bon apetit mon amis!

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