Friday 10 January 2020

Would you believe it.... A Blogpost!

Greetings avid readers and time-wasters (yes, you, reading this blog instead of doing something far more useful)...

I'm back.

It only took 2 years...but I said I would write again, and here I am. Granted, I only have the time due to having to be at early morning dairy earlier than usual as we have a wonderful thing called loadshedding in South Africa now, which is becoming the norm on most days. This is the process of limiting electrical supply to consumers in order to reduce the load on the generating plant - a result of several years of poor planning and implementation of maintenance to our ageing electrical infrastructure in South Africa. So we make due with generators and rising diesel costs to try and compensate - the ever present challenges of dairy farming!

Since we last spoke, South Africa has been in the grip of a crippling drought, and we have had some trying times on the farm in the past two years. For the first time in my life I have felt true desperation and hopelessness. Being so dependant on the weather is a risky business and I have come to appreciate every small drop of rain and beam of sunlight. Without these things, life is not possible - both literally and figuratively. I look out my window now, this morning, as the rain softly patters on the shed roof, and I am filled with hope and gratitude. We are still here, we are still farming, we are still positive, most days...

Our little family has grown up too since we last spoke, and I watch in wonder as our two daughters play, learn and grow together every day. I am grateful that we are able to provide them with the best place for little minds and bodies to flourish, and I remind myself everyday what a privilege it is for them to grow up on a farm surrounded by nature and a loving, supportive community.

 Without getting all deep and philosophical now, I will say that I look forward to this new chapter of blogposts, as I am so ready to start writing again. I have missed tapping into my creative juices - a part of myself that has been put on pause whilst raising two little wildlings. 

That having been said, I will wish you adieu for now. I know that we have a lot to catch up on, so I promise that the next post wont be far away! Part of my New Year's resolutions is to spend more time doing the things I love and less time worrying about pleasing everyone else and trying to spread my time over too many menial tasks. The year 2020 is the year that I say no to everyone else and yes to myself. 

Have a wonderful day, dear reader, and we will chat again soon.


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