Sunday 8 April 2018

I used to write...

There was a time when I used to write...

When days were seemingly endless, and time was abundant.

When uninterrupted thoughts flowed eloquently into well constructed, interesting pieces of writing.

That time is gone now. 

Its distant memory haunts me when I get a chance to try gather my thoughts in the mornings as I attempt to get my toddler to put on her clothes for the fourth time and stop picking her nose, and breastfeeding my infant at the same time, whilst sipping on a cup of tea that has been waiting for the last twenty minutes and is now ice-cold...when I am reminded that adulting is now my full time occupation, and that there is not even the faintest glimpse of that past era when...I used to write. And read. And have other hobbies like going to the toilet on my own, exercising alone, or going shopping without a destructive hurricane disguised as a cute little blonde 2 year old girl trying to break or buy everything at knee height in the entire shop.

Yes, those days are gone. They have been replaced by mornings that start at 4:30am, with little people demanding all of the hours in the day until 9pm at night... preparing school lunches, mashing every conceivable vegetable into baby food, expressing milk to feed said baby, school runs, wedding dress business, swimming lessons, fundraisers, committee meetings, cows, farming, cows, more cows, bathtime, play time, dinner time, story time, bedtime... oh the glorious sound of silence at the end of it all. Then its time for "me-time"- after tidying up, expressing milk for the morning, preparing lunch boxes and school bags, doing the washing, and catching up on admin. 

But, I will write again. Of this I am sure. This period is fleeting and I am trying to appreciate every moment spent with our precious children before they don't need me anymore...

Hopefully this is the beginning of a blogspot revival. 

Watch this space!

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