I feel like I have lost my humanity. I am a slave to technology, and will freely admit it. Technology has become something so ingrained in our society that we feel like we cannot live without it...but have we even tried?? Would you stop breathing if your TV died right now? Would you need to be rushed to the emergency room if you couldn't get Facebook to load on your i-phone/pad? Could you go a single day without using your phone or checking your email and not break out in hives because of it?
Is it just me or has the world gone completely mad?!
Something, somewhere, has gone terribly wrong...
Being a whole year and one day older than I was yesterday (which makes me sooooo much wiser...) has got me thinking about what I really want to do with my time left on this planet. Checking FB every hour or so to see what everyone else around the world is doing with their time just seems so backwards right now! When did we get so involved in each others' lives that we started to completely miss out on living our own?! Is it really more important to catch your TV series than to go out with friends and enjoy a meal together? Or even just sit at home and enjoy the company of your significant other?
Instead of buying ready-to-eat meals in the frozen section, to reheat in your microwave and watch in front of your favourite TV show, why not plant your own vegetable garden or visit the local market? You don't need to own a farm to grow your own produce or eat healthy. And you'll have plenty of free time if you get rid of your TV and turn off your phone after 5pm.
Instead of reaching for your phone to take a photo of the amazing sunset so that you can post in on Facebook later and feel all warm and fuzzy when everyone comments on it; why not reach for your glass of wine and simply savour the moment. The truth is, no-one really cares about your sunset - they should be out enjoying their own!
If you want to know what John and Jill have been up to - instead of poking them on Facebook or sending them an abbreviated, hardly legible whatsap message - phone them and talk to them. Invite them to lunch/dinner. Get involved.
Have you ever stopped to think about what we did before Facebook/Twitter/Whatsap/Skype/Email...? People could actually have an intelligent and MEANINGFUL conversation with each other, because they didn't know when they were going to be in contact again. You could go out to dinner and not be interrupted by someone at the table answering their phone or checking to see how many "likes" their selfie got on FB.
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(Source: http://mkalty.org/technology-quotes/) |
My revelation has inspired me to simplify my life.
As of right now, I am going to commit to de-technologizing (new word) myself.
I don't think it is going to be easy - and I hope I am not coming across as a self-righteous hypocrite, because I know that I am a slave to technology myself - and going cold-turkey would not be wise. So I am going to wean myself slowly...starting by deleting the FB app off my phone, and deleting my Twitter account. Also, I think the TV can go...what is there to watch that is actually going to change my life? Really?
I think I will be able to survive checking FB once a day, on a computer. Maybe even get down to once a week (optimism!).
And no more phones/I-pads in bed. That's just counter productive, literally. I don't know how people can even have TV's in their bedrooms...its complete madness.
And no more phones/I-pads in bed. That's just counter productive, literally. I don't know how people can even have TV's in their bedrooms...its complete madness.
I want to get more involved in my life. ME. HUBBY. WINE... you know, all that important stuff. Get back in touch with the real, tangible world and stop the downward spiral into the fake world that has been created by technology...
PS: Please follow me on email (click the link on your right) if you would like to keep in touch with the Introspective Soliloquist! Facebook weaning is inevitable... and let me know what you think of the new look!
PS: Please follow me on email (click the link on your right) if you would like to keep in touch with the Introspective Soliloquist! Facebook weaning is inevitable... and let me know what you think of the new look!
Good on you for taking up the challenge. I ditched the TV 11 years ago when I moved to a place that had no reception from rabbit ears and signing up for cable was just too expensive. Haven't missed it at all, except I'm not up on the TV stars or any other so-called celebrities. Not that I hang out with folks that know any of that either, it's just what I see in the online newspapers and sometimes on Facebook. Didn't have a cell phone until travelling this past August when my family decided it would be prudent to have one while I was on the road. A bare bones flip phone and a $10/month fee with accumulating minutes works. It's not been on since I returned. I have told a few friends that I own one, but if they ever need to get in touch in that much of a hurry they'll have to let me know so I can charge it up and turn it on! I also own a tablet but only use it when I'm away from home. The laptop I have supplies everything else, but I know what you mean about becoming addicted as I found myself very distracted when I first got my laptop 5 years ago. Now I ask myself when I'm looking at something online: "How is this helping me move forward?" If the answer is "not", off it goes. Used for too much plain entertainment when I have much better things to do with my time as you mentioned above! Good luck.
ReplyDeleteThanks Barbara. It has been an eye-opener!